Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Compare and Contrast Writing

Image result for compare and contrast

We have been learning about the language used to compare and contrast different characters/animals/things in literature. Using the article on amphibians and reptiles, create one paragraph that compares and contrasts the two types of animals. Remember to use the words that signify comparing and contrasting. 

  • Post a paragraph that compares and contrasts amphibians and lizards. 
  • Use language that signifies comparing and contrasting {both, but, alike...}
  • Comment on three classmates' posts. 
  • Check the blog after posting to respond and keep the conversation flowing as a leanring tool. 

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Prefixes and Suffixes

Image result for prefixes and suffixes
Since we have been discussing how prefixes and suffixes can help us figure out the meaning of unknown words, create a blog post in which you answer the following points: 
  • What is a prefix?
  • What is a suffix? 
  • How can these word parts help us define the meaning of an unknown word? 
  • Give some examples of words that contain prefixes and suffixes.What does each mean? What is the meaning of the whole word? 
  • Respond and comment to at least three classmates.
Watch the following for clarification/ reinforcement before you post. 

Wednesday, March 27, 2019


Image result for mixed number and improper fractions

We have begun to learn how to compare fractions with the same numerators and denominators, how to move between fractions and mixed numbers, and how to find equivalent fractions. 
  • Create one post in which you choose and explain a fractional topic we have learned. 
  • Include either a link or an image that helps illustrate/explain your point within your post. Feel free to do both. 
  • Check the blog regularly and comment and respond to at least three (3) classmates. 
  • Remember that this is an educational tool and follow up is necessary after class time in order to solidify our knowledge. 

Thursday, February 21, 2019


As we are reading our fiction texts, we are focusing on setting, characters, and plot. We know that setting is defined as where and when a story takes place. Consider the following:

  • What is the setting of your story right now?
  • How does the setting influence the plot?
  • Create one post (1) and respond to three (3) classmates.